Illuminated Signs

A lit sign means people know you're open for business.

You've probably noticed some of the capital's stunning illuminated shop front signs. London is packed with superb retail outlets, many of them independent, and the high street – any high street – is naturally an incredibly competitive environment. Your brand needs to stand out to attract footfall, to persuade and inspire the maximum number of passers by to stop and walk through your door. It's a fact. When it's illuminated, it stands out from the rest.

Illuminated signage comes in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, styles and purposes. So why would you need such a thing? Maybe your business is open all year round but looks closed in the winter darkness, simply because your signage isn't lit up. As far as after-dusk visitors are concerned, you're shut for the duration. A lit sign means people know you're open for business.

It can also be a safety matter. Directional illuminated signs keep workers and visitors safe as they make their way around your premises, both inside and out. That’s why emergency exit signs are illuminated – so people can see them when visibility isn’t good, for example when there’s a fire giving off thick smoke.

If you’ve put off investing in illuminated signs because you felt they were too expensive, it’s time to think again. LED neon is more affordable than old-school neon. The design, build and installation costs of lit signs in general have plummeted recently, and today’s innovative on-off dawn to dusk sensors mean they cost less to run than ever before. If you want illuminated signs in London, walk this way…

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